Test Cyp 250 de Gen-Shi Labs


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Gen-Shi Labs testostérone Cypionate 250 mg

Testostérone Cypionate 250 mg
Flacon de 10 ml
Pour injection intramusculaire

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La description

Acheter Test Cypionate

Testosterone was fully researched in the 1930’s by large European pharmaceutical companies such as Schering, Organon and Ciba. Testosterone Cypionate is one of the most popular steroid sold to date, it is almost identical to Testosterone Enanthate apart from the ester of Testosterone Cypionate will last another day or two in your system.

Acheter Cypionate de testostérone - Effets secondaires

Testosterone Cypionate is a very strong long acting ester that can cause side effects such as acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement and it can shut down your natural hormone function. Most of the side effects begin as the body turns high levels of testosterone into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme.

This side effect can be controlled by the use of anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex, Proviron or Arimidex which all work in different ways in controlling the estrogen but still get the job done. Anti estrogen products will help keep any water retention down so you do not look as bloated or puffy and will also combats any gyno (bitch tit) problems that some users are sensitive to.

La testostérone Cypionate chez certains utilisateurs peut se convertir en dihydrotestostérone, ce qui inquiète certains car cela peut provoquer une calvitie masculine, mais encore une fois, cela peut être contrôlé par l'utilisation de finastéride et de regain.

Acheter Testostérone Cypionate - Avantages en musculation

Well let’s get started, Testosterone Cypionate increases nitrogen retention in the muscle, there are even reports of it increasing IGF-1 in the muscle tissue and liver and it also has an active role in repairing exercised damaged muscle tissue through satellite cell activity. Testosterone Cypionate increases the red blood cell count, it is highly anabolic and highly androgenic meaning a rapid gain in weight and a massive gain in size and strength.

Acheter Cypionate de testostérone - Empilement

Testosterone Cypionate is a great mass builder and is usually stacked with Deca Durabolin and Dianbol or Anadrol 50. The Dianabol or Anadrol 50 should be used in the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle to kick start the whole process and the Testosterone Cypionate and Deca are continued for the full 8-12 weeks.

Pour vous assurer de conserver la plupart de vos gains lorsque vous sortez d'un cycle qui comprend de la testostérone énanthate, il est très important d'utiliser des produits de traitement post-cycle tels que Nolvadex, Clomid et HCG.